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更新时间:2025-02-24 17:58:20
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1. Wan's remarks yesterday were the Supreme Court's latest answer addressing the rising public sentiment in favour of bringing back the death penalty review.

2. The much publicized protests over the demolition of an old ferry pier seem to have awakened the public sentiment described by sociologists as " collective memory ".

3. If we continue to ignore or misunderstand this public resentment, we are running the risk of turning this sentiment into great social instability.

4. Such a move would invariably stir strong protests from emerging economies whose governments could be swayed by public sentiment to introduce retaliatory measures.

5. The concern among international representatives is that the sentiment will undermine NATO's attempts to win public loyalty away from the Taliban.

6. The stock market performance is widely seen as a reliable indicator of public sentiment in a commercial town like Hong Kong.

7. The riots are believed to have been caused by the long neglect and mishandling of public sentiment by the local government.

8. But he made clear that some lawmakers viewed that as an option should Bush choose to push ahead despite public sentiment against the war.

9. Populism in judging provocative architecture may attest to the pulse of public sentiment, but rarely does it foretell the fate of icon status.

10. As a result of the public sentiment, authorities are responding quickly with protective measures.

1. public sentiment在线翻译

1. The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties

2. He is a man with an extraordinary sense of political timing and ability to gauge the tide of public sentiment.

3. How to make net-mediated public sentiment emergency response guidance is new work to the emergency response commanders in new era.

4. public sentiment

4. The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of reform, which will require particularly the correction of those abuses that have brought the patronage of the Federal Government into conflict with the freedom of elections, and the counteraction of those causes which have disturbed the rightful course of appointment, and have placed or continued power in unfaithful or incompetent hands.

5. But they are unlikely to have much of an impact on public sentiment.

6. public sentiment的翻译

6. Jiang Province, popular culture and fisheries words fully reflect the lifestyle of fishermen of all fishery production practices, said the ceremonies, public sentiment Min Xing, ideological, aesthetic taste, way of thinking, islands and marine ecological environment and cultural historical context.

7. Beijing hoped that allowing in overseas investors would help to recapitalise its banks, modernise risk management and bolster sentiment ahead of planned initial public offerings by its top lenders.

8. I Division is mainly engaged in the box industry in the development, design, production and sales enterprises, the production of a variety of border using valuable timber, the introduction of the world's most advanced production process, absorb, draw upon the classical style and popular sentiment, such as the public long novel design, fine elegant, range in value and performance.

9. public sentiment是什么意思

9. Their works are personal sentiment and experience, but that doesn`t make it hard to understand by public.

10. They are talking about the press opinion and other indicia of public sentiment.

11. It's decision on Tuesday to scale back the elaborate domestic leg of the Olmpic torch relay - after a flood of Internet protests calling it insensitive - is a sign that officials are not deaf to public sentiment.

12. It was time to throw him out, but public opinion and congressional sentiment were strongly against it.

13. There is strong public sentiment on the question of unemployment.

14. Public sentiment is against any change to the law.

15. They may also include market conditions, public sentiment, etc...

16. Public sentiment in China is running on the Bucks'side.

17. public sentiment的近义词

17. To what extent does the newspaper control and to what extent is it controlled by public sentiment?


18. But, at present, for the network public sentiment, the problem is the insufficient attention and ineffective super...

19. public sentiment的近义词

19. Why then should tolerance, as far as the public sentiment is concerned, extend only to tastes and modes of life which extort acquiescence by the multitude of their adherents?

20. Everybody when somewhat feels helpless for at present sudden change, all by David's Dr. shout was reminded, everybody public sentiment is roused to action, to two commanders in chief requested in abundance goes to battle immediately, must remove this unpardonably wicked god of plague personally, looked like final to finally arrived definitely.

Only now are technology and public sentiment aligning to truly shift the responsibility of collecting goods and services to the consumer.(只有到了现在,技术和公众情感才真正的抛弃了挑拣商品这样的客户服务。)
Public sentiment toward South Korea improved, however, with33% of those polled saying they feel friendly, up 1.5 percentage points.(不过,公众对韩情绪有所改善,33%的受访者说他们对韩感觉友好,上升了1.5个百分点。)
Not surprisingly—considering public sentiment on banking—the companies that dropped off the list this year included ING Direct (ING) and Barclays Bank (BARC:LN).(不出意外-考虑到民众对银行的情绪-今年榜上下滑的公司包括INGDirect(ING)和Barclays银行(BARC:LN).)
Berlusconi seized the moment by understanding public sentiment and its revulsion with the status quo.(贝鲁斯科尼通过理解公众的意见和对现状的强烈厌恶抓住先机。)
Public sentiment is against any change to the law.(公众的意见是反对对该法律作任何修改。)
This was how Russia helped turn public sentiment against Bakiyev.(俄罗斯就是如此扭转公众情绪来对抗巴基耶夫的。)
Public sentiment on whaling, for and against, is anaemic.(民众在捕鲸问题上的反应,不管是支持还是反对,都并不活跃。)
Therefore, the Internet public sentiment has become an inevitable social phenomenon and the management of it has become more urgent.(所以,网络舆情已经成为一种必然的社会现象,对于舆情的管理也随之成为必然。)
Uncertainty surrounding the damaged nuclear power plants are also weighing heavily on public sentiment.(还有损坏的核电站周围一些不确定性因素也在考验着人们的情绪。)
The uniqueness of well educated young students makes them the major and indispensable components of the Internet public sentiment.(而高校学生和青年知识分子年龄的独特性使得他们成为网络舆情不可或缺的主体构成。)
public sentiment是什么意思 public sentiment在线翻译 public sentiment什么意思 public sentiment的意思 public sentiment的翻译 public sentiment的解释 public sentiment的发音 public sentiment的同义词